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Slang is everywhere. Do you familiar with Dear John, Roger That and Lazy Susan? If not, please take a look at below 10 selected idioms with names.

1. Murphy's Law

Do you think this is quite familiar? Yes, the famous movie “Interstellar” introduced the concept of Murphy’s Law, it specifically means "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong". Our daily life is full of Murphy’s Law, too. If you ever thinking of "As long as I bring the umbrella, there’s no rain. If not, it rains." This is the law! If you want to avoid Murphy's Law. The only way is always well-prepared to avoid any incidents.

E.g. Well it's Murphy's law. Washing your car usually like to bring rain.

2. Dear John letter

If you watched the movie "Dear John", you will know what it means! Dear John letter means the woman's handwritten letter to the man, but why is John? It was because John was a very common market name in the United States, and it was often used to refer to an unknown person or to the general public. This term is from World War II, that many of the military girlfriends did not want to wait for their boyfriends and choose to leave. Most of the letter start with "Dear ..." as writing the beginning of the expression of breaking up.

E.g. Kyle did not come to class today, for he got a Dear John letter from his girlfriend.

3. Bob's your uncle

If someone says this to you, please don’t answer "Bob's not my uncle" or "How did you know his name?". This term is from the history of the British Empire when the expansion of the layout is full of Nepotism. It is a British way to describe things easy to achieve the purpose.

E.g. Do not worry about the computer. You just change the keyboard and it should work fine. Bob's your uncle!

4. Adam's apple

What is Adam's apple? The answer is larynx! The legend was when Adam and Eve steal the forbidden fruit was found, Adam mouth has a piece of apple that has not swallowed. God will punish Adam to let it choke in the throat, so that’s Adam's apple!

E.g. Wilson has got an incredibly huge Adam's apple.

5. Roger that

In many action films or war films, you can often hear two roles facing the radio said "Roger that". This is a common international communication language, meaning "received". Then why not "Jason that" or "Sandy That "? There is a saying that Roger's "R" and receive (received) with the prefix. So "Roger that" is means "received".

E.g. Roger that. I'll make my own decisions to engage.

6. Uncle Sam

Do you know what is "Uncle Sam"? It represents the US government. During the Anglo-American War, a meat businessman, who was nicknamed Uncle Sam, printed the same word as US State on the beef bucket that supplied the US Army, and then Uncle Sam was regarded as the name of the United States, saying that it had hard-working and patriotic spirit.

E.g. When Uncle Sam stops buying, interest rates should rise.

7. Average Joe

Joe and John are very common in the United States name, so "average Joe" is represented by ordinary people.

E.g. To her, I'm just an average Joe.
* A cup of Joe = a cup of coffee

8. Jack of all trades

If you want to describe a person is a know-it-all, then use Jack of all trades! There is another saying, "Jack of all trades, master of none" means a person with no specialization. So beware of the usage of these two.

E.g. There is nothing he cannot do. He really is a jack of all trades.

9. Rob Peter to pay Paul

Can you guess what it means? It means to take or borrow from one in order to give or pay something owed to another. The origin is said to be in 1550, many of the materials in St. Peter's Cathedral were diverted to repair the St. Paul's Cathedral.

E.g. If you are in the English classroom to prepare for the math test, it is rob Peter to pay Paul.

10. Lazy Susan

The so-called "lazy Susan" is representative of turntables in the restaurant. Then why not lazy Emily or lazy David? In the past, the maid in US are usually called Susan, and one of the maid do not want to always go around the dining table, so she invented the turntable. This invention named “Lazy Susan” afterward.

E.g. When a person is reaching for a dish, you must not turn the lazy Susan!

Source: Topick
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