
Join Us


Agglomerate all the kind hearts to help others and protect the minority sick children who have been forgotten by the society with your strengths.

Join Lifewire Volunteer Family, Jointly to take care of these children with rare diseases.

Save the child, you and I can do it!


Fun – Enjoy Love

Besides of donation, children with rare diseases and their families need your care and love.  By visiting them personally, you will know the fun and feel the love.  You will be inspired by their positive energy!

Fun – Enjoy the positive energy

Join volunteers gathering, share the joy of doing good with each other and make good friends!

Fun – Enjoy your strengths

Participate in our annual fundraising events and be part of the team!

Invite to join

Lifewire volunteers big family

Whether you are a volunteer to join the visit, writing, translation, design, photography, event planning, social gathering, etc, you can enjoy and give full play to your strengths and serve these children with rare diseases!

Join as a member of our volunteer big family, you will receive the latest activity information.  You will become the bridge for the families with rare diseases to the society.  You will work with us to promote and raise the awareness on rare diseases.


Click here to register as a volunteer!